As a project of Australia HOPE International Inc (AHI Inc), HCLS operates in accordance with AHI Inc policies which can be provided on request.
Privacy Policy
The AHI Inc. privacy policy can be found at their website using this link.
Cancellation Policy
If a sponsor/donor requests to set up a regular credit card / direct debit payment, that regular payment remains in force until cancelled in writing by the sponsor with AHI Inc. Requests for cancellation can be sent using letter or email. Contact details are on the Home Page.
Delivery Policy
AHI Inc will endeavour to send a child sponsorship information package within 7 days of confirmation of payment clearance.
Refund Policy
Regarding the refund of donated/sponsored funds, the AHI Inc Financial Management Policy (extract below) applies.
16.8 Refunds
A request for refund of contributions already donated to Australia HOPE International Inc. by a sponsor/donor will be considered and determined on a case by case basis. Refunds will be made by EFT or cheque only. Requests for refunds can be received by the following methods:
- Telephone;
- Letter;
- Email;
- In person.
16.8.1 Possible Reasons
When a request for a refund is received, an assessment of the reason given for the refund request is undertaken. The following reasons will usually be considered favourably:
- An error has been made by Australia HOPE International Inc.;
- A sponsor/donor decides within the first 1-2 weeks of providing contributions that they have changed their mind and the funds have not already been remitted overseas;
- A sponsor/donor banking details are fraudulently obtained and used;
- The sponsor disputes agreeing to allocation of an additional child or changes to the payment arrangement through Australia HOPE International Inc. marketing programs;
- A sponsor/donor contributions are paid in advance.
16.8.1 Unacceptable Reasons
The following reasons will not usually be grounds for a refund to be given:
- When funds have already been remitted overseas;
- Disagreement by the sponsor/donor with the nature of the programs provided by Australia HOPE International Inc.;
- An Annual Tax Statement has already been issued.
16.8.3 Timeframe and Authorisation
A refund can only be authorised by the CEO;
- If it is agreed that a refund is to be made the sponsor/donor will be sent by way of EFT or a cheque within 5 working days of the decision.
- If it is decided that a refund will not be made, the issue is to be resolved using the steps laid out in our Complaint Policy and Procedures Document.